Villages Cup Series
Villages Golf Club is holding a 2024 Fall and Winter Cup series. Current standings are shown below. The top 5 winners for each season will be based on an overall point system and receive a great prize!
The 2023 Winter Cup Series had eight (8) events with 2 in January, February, March and April. The Winter Champion, Joanne Barrett, was celebrated at the April 2024 picnic and received $100! The top ten finishers are shown below.
1st Place. Joanne Barrett. 48 points
2nd Place. Vicki DiGrado. 46 points
3rd Place. Carol D’Atillio. 45 points
4th Place. Sandy Rowlett, Claudia Sirmon, Judi Andrews. 44 points
5th Place. Rick Reneau, Sue Emmons. 43 points
6th Place. Charlie Greenwood. 42.5 points
7th Place. Brent & Alanna Farnsworth, Sherry Rhoads. 41 points
8th Place. Ned Barrett, Pat Goeke. 40 points
9th Place. Joe DiGrado, Linda Kurtyka. 39.5 points
10th Place. Pete Sefcik. 39 points