About Us
Welcome to the Villages Golf Club

The goal of the Villages Golf Club is to have members meet new friends while enjoying the great game of golf. To become a member, you must have a Villages ID and reside in The Villages. Since the club uses handicaps to award prizes for events, we also ask members to obtain a GHIN member number (this can be done at any Villages Country Club).
We hold many fun-filled golf outings inside and outside of The Villages throughout the year. When outside of The Villages, we usually travel a maximum of 1.5 hours and enjoy prices that are lower than non-priority members inside the villages. Members travel on their own to events. Descriptions and sign ups for each event are shown on our website.
We always play 18 hole championship courses.
We play fun formats, mostly in teams, and usually with individuals playing their own ball (no scrambles or shambles, except in rare cases). There is optional after-golf socializing usually at a restaurant local to the course.
Annual Dues are $10 per person. For information about the club or the website, please contact us at villagesgolfclubinfo@gmail.com. Please note that you will be asked to provide your name, phone, email, address, Villages ID and GHIN Member Number to gain full access to the website and participate in VGC events. Looking forward to hearing from you!
We cater for all levels of golfers. Both singles and couples are welcome. VGC Club members must understand golf etiquette and scoring and be able to play an 18-hole round of golf in a timely manner (e.g. ready golf) in order to play in VGC events.
Membership in the Villages Golf Club is open to all Villages residents. You must have a Villages ID in order to be in the VGC.
VGC uses the rules and policies of the USGA. Our events are on 18 hole Championship courses in and around Central Florida. Fellowship is a crucial and joyful component of the VGC experience. One of the most valuable parts of the VGC experience is the opportunity to visit new friends in some wonderful restaurants after the events.
VGC schedules other special events throughout the year. Events are posted on the club website in advance. Members are encouraged to check the site on a regular basis for dates and details!

Monthly Meetings
Meetings are usually held at Sea Breeze Recreation Center on the 4th Wednesday of each month starting at 6PM. Check under Events for the time, date and location information for the next monthly meeting.