Online Booking Help
What's online booking?Members should register for events on line at villagesgolfclub.com. Online registration is REQUIRED even if you do not pay online. This prevents communication errors and having too many people signed up for an event.
Event is sold out, what do I do?If an event is sold out, contact the leader to be placed on a wait/substitution list. Cancellations are not unusual.
Unable to select 2 people when trying to payThis issue should only occur if the event only has a single spot remaining. If you are unable to register, please send us an email at villagesgolfclubinfo@gmail.com with you name, contact information and the event for which you are attempting to register and we will get back to you.
How can I pay?Payment for events and annual dues can be made via PayPal within the event on our website. For those not wishing to pay online: · Payment can be sent to the Treasurer (see officers list for the current Treasurer's address). · Payment can also be made at the once-a-month general membership meetings. · The hole-in-one club can only be signed up for at general membership meetings.
Events listed as FREEAny event shown as FREE will be bookable and you will not be directed to pay via the website. NOTE: There maybe attendance limits on "free" events so please sign up early.
Can guests come to eventsAn out-of-town guest or family member (non-Villages resident) may golf up to two times per year in an event sponsored by VGC as long as there is an opening not needed by another VGC member and as long as they are accompanied by a VGC member. All fees including cart fees, greens fees, prize fees, taxes (as specified in the Event description on the website) must be paid in advance by the guest or the sponsoring VGC member. If the event is cancelled due to inclement weather, the guest’s fees will be returned. Guests are eligible for prizes in VGC events, provided they meet the guest definition described in Section 2, above. Source: Article IX, VGC By-Laws, Effective 1 April 2023.
How do I sign up for Villages Golf Club?If you would like to join VGC and have access to the website, please reply to villagesgolfclubinfo.com with the following information: -Name -Contact Phone Number -Address -Email -Village Name -Villages ID -GHIN Member Number (used for golf event handicapping). You can sign up for GHIN at any Villages Country Club Once you provide your information, access to the site will be granted and more details about club membership will be provided. Club dues are $10 per person per year, due by the 30th of September and payable in person or on the website.
Player EligibilityNo member can play unless dues are paid in full and the cost of the event is paid in full. Guests will be permitted to play at the same rate as the members but will not be eligible for prizes.

How To Sign Up For An Event
Access the Events (Booking) Page from the top menu bar on any page
Click Book Event button below the event you wish to consider booking (it provides more details)
Near the bottom of the page, Click + or - to select the number of players
Click Checkout to complete your booking
Fill in your details (Buyer Details) as follows:
First Name -- We actually use the first complete golfers name (first name and last name).
Last Name -- We actually use the 2nd complete golfers name (first name and last name).
Answer any other questions about that event to the best of your ability. These questions usually provide guidance to the event leader.
Click Continue to advance to the PAYMENT PAGE (there is a tiny edit button in the top right if the name or email is wrong)
Select payment type (Paypal is strongly preferred and you do not need a paypal account)
Click Place Order
Pay with Paypal choosen: Next you will see a Paypal log-in page. Do not panic! At the bottom of that is the non-paypal member option which simply says "Pay with Debit or Credit Card". Click that and proceed as directed.
Manual Payment choosen: Your transaction will end.
If the process is successful, you will see a confirmation screen similar to below and a confirmation e-Mail (with ticket) will be sent to the purchaser as proof of booking and/or payment.
Thank you, {your name}
Registration to {Event Name} is complete.
Tickets are on the way to guests and {your e-mail}
Add to Calendar
If you don't get a message as above and/or a confirmation Email, then your booking has not completed. There will also be an option to add the booking to your on-line calendar if you use Gmail, Outlook or iCal. There are options at the bottom of the confirmation page to Print or Download the booking and to go Back to Site.